Cascade’s February Meetup!
Date: Feb 19, 2022
Event Information:
Well, we had a really fun time at our Cascades Meetup! We had about 18 people show up for the event and most of them had Fursuits! Lots of new furs and new suits running around the old park! Thanks to everyone who came and hung out! We got to take pics in front of this really nice mural, and Hope looks like they have wings and a horn. What’s up with that? Should we be worried??? lol Just kidding Hope!
Coal took some video with his drone, and I took tons of photos! Afterwards, many of us went to Applebees and had lunch. I think a few of us got a little too much sun, but the weather was perfect for the outing with the wind and slightly chilly day. As my fox likes to say, Perfect Fursuiting Weather!
All pictures have been added to our gallery, though if you have some that I don’t have, feel free to Telegram them to me!
Brejar HowlynStar, your intrepid reporter of furry things!
Where are we?
We are located in the Tallahassee, FL area. We accept everyone in the group over the age of 16 to our Telegram Chat.
Need additional help? Please contact us: or
Website Information:
TallyFurs Web site and Logo ©2020 by Brejar
TallyFurs Thumbnail ©2020 by AnotherMovieAddict